Tuesday, October 6, 2009

i can haz a camera in my butt?

Has not been a good couple of days. As none of you know, I have ulcerative colitis, a shit disease. Basically it's like my anti-bodys or something see my intestines as a virus, and go all kung-fu on that bitch. I was on alot of pills for it, now only 8 a day, so it's getting better. Because of such a WONDERFUL disease, I occasionaly have to have a colonoscopy (great knowledge for all you, right?). So, this was my first full colonscopy, (my last one was while I was in hospital, and there wasn't much prep) so I had to drink 4 litres of some liquid that can only be described as Satans urine mixed with shit and hobo spit. Really bad (maybe over exagerated) but it did make me gag the first 2 litres, I kinda got used to it. Anyway, I had to drink 3 litres yesterday and one today, and one this morning. ALSO I could not eat all of yesterday. Usually I barely eat, but as soon as I couldn't eat, I was overly hungry.
So today, I woke up after 4 hours of sleep (I blame Rose, she keeps me up) and couldn't have any caffeine. I then skulled a litre of this demonic fluids, felt sick, showered, got all perdied up, then left for the hospital. I got there at 12:15p, with my appointment at 12:30p. So after being in the waiting room for a half hour, they moved me to another room closer to the examination room. I thought "Oh yes! This must mean I'll soon get to go in" so yeah, after sitting in that room for about an hour and a half, they finally call me. They ask me information (When did I last eat, did I drink the demon fluid, do I wanna go on a date etc.) and then give me a gown and tell me to get naked. I'm not a big fan of public nudity. Sure I talk a big game, but nudity is always akward, but I thouth "Hell, I'm sure I'll go out, they'll give me some good ole' drugs, and I'll be clothed again in no time". So after sitting in nothing but a very loose gown for another 1 and a half hours (during which time, they stuck a needle in my arm, which let blood gush out of my arm, but atleast I had signal for internet) they finally wheel me in to the room. They tell me some of the procedure, about all this stuff, the lady tells me to breath in some tube. The tube was filled with freaking MAGIC. It made me feel so awesome, I couldn't get enough of it. I felt like everything on Earth had slowed down. So many thought and calrifications came to my head, FREAKING SWEET! Plus I saw bit and pieces of a camera in my rectum. Events from today are still a bit blurry. I do remember when my Mum picked me up, I ate a donut in 2 bites, and scoffed down sandwiches.

I guess this was a round about way of saying, after all the shit stuff, sucking on a tube of magic was so worth it. Sounds like I'm saying 'Do drugs', and I kind of am.

Now onto stuff in my life:
I was going to read 'Maos Last Dancer' but I couldn't get into it. I was going to try again, but then I got a new manga. Mangas are the best. It is 'Neon Genesis' I actually managed to get issue 1 and 2, so I should be set for a few days, then I might try Maos again.

Manga series I am reading:
  • Full Metal Alchemist-I've read issue 1, waiting for issue 2 and 3 to come in. I also own the Anime
  • Bleach-Read issue 1, and will continue reading
  • Dragonball-Read issue 1,2 and 3, watiting for 4,5,6 special edition to come in.
  • Neon Genesis-Reading issue 1, and is really good so far.

Manga series always pull me in. I love them.

My next read will either be:

  • Dragonball
  • Fullmetal alchemist
  • Maos Last Dancer
  • Watchmen

Depending on if the mangas get here, or Watchmen comes in, otherwise it'll be Maos.

Anywho, night night. I need to talk to some hoes.

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