Monday, October 5, 2009

i can makez new headah?

Wow, the new header actually looks really good. This also marks the first appearance of my new cartoon style on any of my 3 blogs. Now to make new Server 404, S404X, Twitter, and Youtube backgrounds. YAY. Might do them a bit later.
Whenever I read hourly comics, I always get the urge to comic. Gotta love it.

And now, to RANT!
Tommorow I need to have a colonoscopy, FUN RIGHT? No, because I have to drink 3 litres of some terrible liquid that tastes like ass and makes me want to throw up. ALSO I can't eat. I've never wanted a burger so much in my life.

Remember kids, meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.


1 comment:

  1. Tastes like ass? Think about the poor dude DOING the colonoscopy! He's going to be tasting ass all week!
