Saturday, October 3, 2009

i canz run arownd like a crazy man?

As you won't know, I have to get up early in the morning. It is very rare when I have to get up early, and usually I know a few days in advance. Then it's just a case of stocking up on energy drinks to get me through the day, but alas, this is not to be for tommorow. I may have skipped out on some friends (rather, ninja'ed away while hiding in a car) and afterwards I felt really bad. SO to make it up, I said I would go to their house tommorow morning (it's one of those cool kids party where they drink all night and don't go to bed. Different to my parties, where I'm all alone and I sit on the internet and don't go to bed.) SO anyway, since my normal bedtime is around 4a, and I'd need to get up at 8a (totally possible when I have caffeine btw) I thought I'd go to bed at 1:30-2a. I was watching hard at the time then BAM it was suddenly 3am.
WUTTHEBALLS. I thought it was late. I whipped out of all my windows, switched everything off, and headed to bed, only to see my clock said 2:07a
Of course I went back outside and re-checked, thinking my clock was wrong. Computer said it was 3:07a, and iPhone confirmed. Then I thought of the most unholy of all things on Earth. Daylight Savings, a time when some people in places make the time all screwy to save daylight or something. I don't know, where I live, that's not the case. Unfortaunetly, my iPhone and Computer thought I did do daylight savings, and f**cked my schedule up. I'm now more awake then I was thanks to running around like a crazy chicken man. Fixed both of them, and I see the time is now 2:19a, so I best hit the sack.

Do you know what daylight saving is about? Hit me up.
Skype: christopherlane
Tweet: @christopherlane
Ping!: christopherlane (Ping! is a iPhone2iPhone messenger that is currently free in the app store. Worth the download.)

Goodnight you sexy things.

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